The Divorce Doctor

Expert Coaching for Individuals, Couples, and Businesses

All coaching and counselling is based on years of professional and personal experience of divorce

For Individuals

Navigating divorce can be overwhelming. Our expert coaching provides:

  • Emotional support and guidance
  • Practical assistance with legal and financial matters
  • Objective third-party perspective to help you make informed decisions

For Couples

Getting married? Want to avoid divorce in the future? Read my best selling book Plan the Marriage not just the Wedding

Choose a smoother path through your separation:

For Businesses

Support your employees and protect your bottom line:

  • Boost employee productivity during personal challenges
  • Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism
  • Demonstrate your commitment to employee well-being
  • Navigate complex HR situations with expert guidance

Why Choose The Divorce Doctor?

  • Years of experience in divorce coaching
  • Customized approach for each client’s unique situation
  • Proven track record of successful outcomes
  • Compassionate, non-judgmental support

What Our Clients Say

“The Divorce Doctor helped me navigate the most challenging time of my life with grace and confidence.” – Sarah K.

“Thanks to their coaching, we were able to separate amicably and maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship.” – Mark and Lisa R.

Book a free, no obligation consultation today
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All work backed up with research experience and professional qualifications
Multi-award-winning divorce coach